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Users yesterday: 124
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Pool Participation
Football Season 2022

Total Players:68
Regular Pool:62
Confidence Pool:24
Survivor I Pool:46
Survivor II Pool:40
BTL Pool:31
Playoff Pool:46
Weekly SportsBox:25

Players Paid:68
The 2020 NFL Season
Posted by bullet.gif poolmeister on August 28 2020
NewsThe NFL is saying that the season will start with a Thursday night game on September 10th between the Houston Texans and the Kansas City Chiefs and will consist of all 17 weeks. That is their stance as of this writing and all we can hope for is that they are correct.

There are many pundits that claim that this is pie in the sky thinking and that the season will likely be between 10 and 12 games. We as fans have to be flexible and adaptable to schedule changes and weekly cancellations. It is inconceivable that players being that close to each other are not going to be exposed to the virus resulting in them going on the injured list. The extent of the spread will determine how this season goes. I think that we can all assume that this season is not going to be the "normal" season that we have become used to. Time will tell, but for the moment, "let's play some football".
The 2019 NFL Season Recap
Posted by bullet.gif poolmeister on August 28 2020
NewsI have been remiss in posting the recap for last season's NFL Football. The 2019 season has come to a close and hopefully everyone had fun playing again this year. Everyone has been paid off and it is now a matter of waiting for next year's season to begin. Once again, about half of the players won some money during the course of the year.

For the first time in a while, the New England Patriots were not part of the SuperBowl and it seemed strange on the one hand yet for others it was a welcome change. Think what you will, but the Patriots is the closest that any team has come to being a dynasty. I wonder which team will now begin their dynasty? Kansas City, Houston and Baltimore pop into mind immediately and with their young quarterbacks leading their teams, the baton will probably be passed to one of them.
The 2018 NFL Season - Recap
Posted by bullet.gif poolmeister on February 13 2019
Site NewsOnce again we have arrived at the end of the NFL season and hope that everyone had fun playing in this year's Fred's Football Follies. Out of 63 players in this year's pool, 40 won some money during the course of the season which spreads the wealth a bit. All of the checks have been issued and should have been received by the winners by now.

A quick note about this year's Super Bowl...it is becoming a broken record, but surprise, surprise the New England Patriots won yet again. This game was a defensive struggle with the final score NE 13 and LAR 3. If you are an offensive type of player, this game was a yawner but you have to give credit to the defense as both teams put up a great defensive plan.

Now that the football season is over (at least the NFL season is over), it is on to the March Madness pool that I am in the process of setting up. I know that some of you play in the basketball pool and I am extending an open invitation to the others to join in the fun. If you know anyone else that would like to play, send me their email address and I will take care of the rest. Otherwise, have a great summer and I will see you at the start of the 2019 season.
The 2018 NFL Season
Posted by bullet.gif poolmeister on September 25 2018
NewsWe are off and running in the 2018 NFL Season and so far the big news is in the Survivor Pools. The Born To Lose Pool which started in Week 3 with 25 players, is going into Week 4 with two players left. As for the main Survivor Pool, there are 21 players left going into Week 4 with 40 players having started the pool.

There has been a drop in the number of players signed up for this year's Fred's Football Follies. Some of the drop off is due to economics and some of it has to do with the politics going on currently in this country. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and we will continue on with the pool, politics aside. There are no additional pools added to this year's list of available pools and I am hopeful that everyone will win some money and if not, at least have a good time.

As for the teams themselves, there are some surprised both on the positive as well as the negative side. Who would have thought that Miami would be leading the AFC East and that New England at this point does not seem as invincible as it usually is. In addition, Cleveland has won a game for the first time since December 2016 and while they are 1-1-1, they have been involved in all of their games. Right now, the big horses seem to be the LA Rams and Kansas City Chiefs with their rookie quarterback that has already thrown 15 TD's in just the first three games. The season is a long one though and it will be interesting to see if he can continue with his torrid pace. Good luck to all!



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03/15/2022 08:14
This is a test shout post to see if a notification is sent to the members without anyone visiting the site.

10/03/2021 18:47
Yes that sux. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while Cameltime!

10/03/2021 18:28
Yeah, it has happened before, although not very often. I can't believe I have 11 wins and no chance to win the week.

10/03/2021 17:39
Hey Fred, I haven’t played in the last few years but is this the first time we have had a winner before the Sunday night game even began ? If so, I’m sure it hasn’t happened too many times.

09/27/2021 21:01
For the 20th year in a row, HHR has managed to win some money in the pool, the only player to do so. Click on the Most Won 2002-2021 link for details. Congratulations HHR!

Player Winnings

Lisa H1761242
Marty B146731
David Jr186725
Fred B276617
Jenny T240425
Jenn B150400
Pati M276330
Joana H90275
chris r276200
Jimmy T230200
Ron N166200
Mark M110150
Rudy M186150
Staci D186150
Tom O266100
Bullet Bob15050
Kevin B18650

Visitors By Month


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