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Pool Participation
Football Season 2022

Total Players:68
Regular Pool:62
Confidence Pool:24
Survivor I Pool:46
Survivor II Pool:40
BTL Pool:31
Playoff Pool:46
Weekly SportsBox:25

Players Paid:68
The 2013 NFL Season
Posted by bullet.gif poolmeister on August 16 2013
NewsThree weeks from tonight, the 2013 NFL Season will get underway. The Thursday night game will pit the Baltimore Ravens at the Denver Broncos. The Super Bowl champions will take on the opponent of the 2012 AFC championship game. It is a replay of sorts and promises to be a great game.

The schedule again calls for 14 games on Thursday night, which will require all picks to be submitted no later than Wednesday night at 9 PM (PST). I guess we have all gotten used to that schedule and it will be interesting to see if last year's pool winners will win again this year. All I know is that I can only go up from my last place showing.

With a little over a week to go before the deadline to register and submit fees, the pool registration seems to have hit a wall and we are about 15 players short of last year's participation. Hopefully there will a final push to match the number of players but if not, the competition should get that much more spirited. I am gratified to see that participation in the confidence point pool is matching last year's numbers and hope that the interest in the pool continues.

Welcome back and "Let the games begin!!".
The 2012 NFL Season - Recap
Posted by bullet.gif poolmeister on February 03 2013
GamesWell, the end of the 2012 NFL season ended with an exciting Super Bowl where the San Francisco 49ers had a chance to win the game after being down 28-6 in the third quarter. It came down to a 4th and goal for the 49ers but they were unable to get the ball into the end zone. The final score, Baltimore Ravens 34, San Francisco 49ers 31.

A total of 42 players won money in this year's pool, which amounts to 60.9% of the total pool participation, which is the highest number of winners that I can remember. If you are among the 42 winners, congratulations. Check the links in the left hand panel to see who won.

It will be 7 long months before the NFL season starts again...I look forward to working on next year's pool and I hope you all had a good time playing...we will see you next year.
The 2012 NFL Season
Posted by bullet.gif poolmeister on August 27 2012
NewsWe are less than ten days away from the first game of the season and I for one am looking forward to another year of NFL Football. The season starts with a Wednesday night game this year and then there will be 14 Thursday night games meaning the picksheet deadline will be set for Wednesday night each week until the last two weeks of the season.

This year's regular pool has 64 players, up from 58 from last year. We have had some players back out but many first time players have joined the list of participants. The confidence point pool has increased from 14 to 22 players doubling the weekly payout from last year's amount. As the reigning champion in the Confidence Point Pool, I am looking forward to trying to keep the title here at home, although with the added players, the competition will be fierce. I'm up to the challenge.

The website has added some features that you might want to look at...primarily there is a Chat Board that you can use to air your thoughts. The shoutbox is still available although you have to register/log in to use it. For the time being, I am leaving the Chat Room public until I feel the need to change it to members only. As always, keep your comments clean and enjoy yourselves.
The 2011 NFL Season
Posted by bullet.gif poolmeister on August 30 2011
Site NewsNot long ago, there was some concern that the 2011 NFL season was not going to happen, but we are 9 days away from the start of it and there are 54 players registered for the regular pool and 14 players for the confidence point pool. The size of the pool keeps shrinking but I am blaming that on the economy rather than on the way I run it. The season starts Thursday, September 8th and the pick sheet(s) will be online either Sunday night September 4th or early Monday morning (Labor Day). The picks for all Week 1 games will be due no later than 9 PM (PDT) Wednesday September 7th.

If you have not paid your fees, get the money to me ASAP as you will not be allowed to make your Week 1 picks without having paid. There is a panel on the right hand side that shows those players that still owe their fees. As always, drop me an email if you have any questions, and good luck!



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03/15/2022 08:14
This is a test shout post to see if a notification is sent to the members without anyone visiting the site.

10/03/2021 18:47
Yes that sux. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while Cameltime!

10/03/2021 18:28
Yeah, it has happened before, although not very often. I can't believe I have 11 wins and no chance to win the week.

10/03/2021 17:39
Hey Fred, I haven’t played in the last few years but is this the first time we have had a winner before the Sunday night game even began ? If so, I’m sure it hasn’t happened too many times.

09/27/2021 21:01
For the 20th year in a row, HHR has managed to win some money in the pool, the only player to do so. Click on the Most Won 2002-2021 link for details. Congratulations HHR!

Player Winnings

Lisa H1761242
Marty B146731
David Jr186725
Fred B276617
Jenny T240425
Jenn B150400
Pati M276330
Joana H90275
chris r276200
Jimmy T230200
Ron N166200
Mark M110150
Rudy M186150
Staci D186150
Tom O266100
Bullet Bob15050
Kevin B18650

Visitors By Month


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